Elden Ring: Restoring power of big runes

  1. Activate Godricks Rune - Way to the Holy Tower of Limgrave

  2. The way to the holy tower in pictures

  3. How do I use the big rune?

Elden Ring - Godrick's Great Rune - How to Restore at Divine Tower and Activate with Rune Arc

You have conquered the first big rune in Elden Ring and does not receive the bonus? For these gameplay mechanics, you read the item description exactly and places a few intermediate steps. We offer you tips on how to restore the power of the great runes in Elden Ring and then use it right. Everything stands with the item description. As soon as you fought you through the castle storm veil and Godrick has laid susky stroke, the game rewards with a great rune. Read the description of the Rune in the inventory under the keys. You can learn that you have to activate the Rune on the Holy Tower of Limgrave. On the map of the game world you can see a big bridge from Castle Stormschleg, which leads to the large tower of the region. This is your goal to enable and usable the first major Rune in Elden Ring. Lesite tip : Our Elden Ring Travel Guide offers you valuable tips for the game entry.

Godricks Rune Activate - Way to the Holy Tower of Limgrave

I have at the entrance to Schloss Stormschlieier open the goal from the NPC? Then the way to the Holy Tower is not an obstacle. You sneak through the front entrance, take the way up and follow the passage. Pay attention to the tons of soldiers and the nasty guards on the forecourt for passage. Alternatively, you start at the place of the grace wall tower, which you should automatically reach over the alternative stroke path through the hole in the wall. Leave the room through the exit to the open. Instead of running in the direction of the storm platter, her right-hand hand jumps to the lower roof. Take the way on the tins, and run around the tower. Let it fall twice here and crosses the wooden bridge at the larger level.

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Pay attention to the general and a few soldiers. Behind the wooden bridge, the ladder is going down right. Also do the opponents here and crosses the wood bridge here again. Now two generals that are not underestimated. If you now follow the path, you reach the higher levels above the ballins, which are focused on the main entrance at the gate. You now switch the opponents to the BALLISTS conveniently and gets a bit more dangerous to the place of grace on the Turmbrücke of Limgrave. The way leads you up a staircase on the bridge. There are three huge stone golems waiting for you, which turns them one after the other. Alternatively, past the printer is always an option. At the end of the bridge you reach the portal that brings you to the foot of the tower. Take the treetle and then the stairs at the top and again restores the power of Godrick's Great Rune.

The way to the holy tower in pictures

The following picture gallery shows you the way to the Holy Tower of Limgrave and the recovery of the power of the Great Rune.

Image gallery (Enlarge view for sources)

How do I use the big rune?

Now you only use a rune arc to give the Rune your blessing. This remains active until the next character death. Source: pcgames.de After restoring the power of the rune on the tower tip, her returns to any place of grace. Here you will find a new menu item while the rest. Here you turn off the rune free. Now the round appears in the HUD top top, but first rather pale and inactive. From software fans recognize here certainly parallels to the Dark Souls mechanics of humanity (Humanity). For the bonus you read the item description of the rune arc. Only here it can be seen that this item is activated when used the power of the extended Rune. If your character after activation, however, should bless the temporal, the activation of the big rune expires and you have to use a rune arc again. In the game you will find other great runes, which offer all different bonuses. It also activates you in the appropriate areas of sacred towers.

From Maik Koch editor 02.03.2022 at 13:58
