Wow Patch 9.2: Call Grind adapted - endless farms of rar

The grind of reputation is in a new patch of WOW as well as new raids or areas - also if grind does not like any1. And so we also get a new faction in Patch 9.2, which lit, in which we fight for recognition and increase our reputation weekly. Why? So that all the rewards can sack, which are offered to us with a suitable call stage - including the possibility to carry a second legendary.

Patch 9.2 - Sylvanas Cinematic

With one of the past changes on the PTR, however, the developers have built significantly more grind than they actually intend. Because actually, the annoying grind factor with patch 9.2 should be reduced to a minimum. And that's exactly what will be achieved with a new hotfix for the test servers.

No rare-swarms more needed

Because it was clear which content in Zereth Mortis will give how much reputation (and how much reputation we need for the double legendary) was quick to achieve that this is only possible if we bond excessively in the new area. Above all, the daily infection of the countless Rare-Mobs was the most players a mandrel in mind. And that's exactly what the developers have adapted.

Who makes it just about the rewards, the Player Power grant, which may waive excessive grind. For this, the developers not only reduced the reputation per rare from 15 to 30 to 10 to 15 **, but also increased the reputation from other sources partly drastically. So you now receive the following quantities of reputation:

  • World quests in Zereth Mortis now grant 125 reputation (previously 100)
  • World Boss Antros now grants 500 reputation (previously 250)
  • The Weekly (lockable twice a week) now grant you 500 call (previously 250)

Thus, the developers want to achieve that the required call steps can be respected completely without the killing of rare-mobs at the time when the possibility for the second legendary is unlocked by campaign (5th week of the patch).

Of course you are still faster with the call if you continue to uplift so many rare mobs a day as possible. But who is about the Player Power, that's simply unnecessary, unless he does the few other activities. So it is much less time investment needed, which likes most players.

_ Blizzard This principle is a good 1. People Shouldn't Feel Like They Need To Play Every Day and People Shouldn't feel like Why Play, The Incentives Do not Steer People Towards the Fun. So Yeah, We Hear The Community Concerns With Overweighing Rares. When Rares Constitute The Lion's Share of the Total Rep That You Can Get in A Day, That Can Create A Sense of Obligeration to Pursue Them All. Since There Are such Many, This Turns The Daily Acquisition of Rep Into A Time Consuming Process Rather Than Something You Can Target and Complete (Or Mostly Complete) in A Reasonable Play Session. WE Want Rares to Feel Like A Bonus Rather Than at Obligation, says The Reputation Earned from Rares is Being Decreased from 15 OR 30 REP Each to 10 OR 15 REP EACH._

Along With That Change, BECAUSE WE Do not Want To Reduce The Total Incoming Rep, We're Increasing The Reputation of Other Sources to Compensate: World Quests Will Award 125 Instead of 100; Antros, The World Boss, Will Award 500 Instead of 250; And The Twice-Weekly Quest "Patterns Within Patterns" Will Award 500 Instead Up 250. The Net Effect of This Is That This Will Be A Small Increase In The Total Potential Rep Gain Each Day, And Rares Will Take Up A Much Lower Proportion of Those gains. This Will Allow Players to Feel Like That Can Done For The Day Earlier Without Significant Long-Term Cost, While Still Allowing Those Players Who Want To Push Harder Some Incentive to do so. Players Who Feel The Need To Reach Revered by Week 5 and Get The Legendary Memory As Soon AS Chapter 7 Ends Should Now Be Able to Rest Assured. Even Without Killing a Single Rare, IT Should Be Comfortably Achievable to Reach That Level in That TimeFrame.

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