Rockstar Games could be a great taquine ad

In recent days, Rockstar Games has updated its website with strange images, may be referring to an imminent announcement at the corner of the street. It remains to be seen whether it could concern GTA 6, but which is universally accepted, it is that there is undoubtedly an indication of what must be hidden in these images.

Recently published on Reddit was the last of these mysterious images, representing the Rockstar logo in red and blue, with various logos, illustrations and sentences glued over it. What is most interesting, however, it is the quote left in the central zone of the image - it reads as follows:

_ "Kill dreams. Hope murderer. Fight the righteous. Intimidate the weak. "_

Rockstar's Game Design is Outdated During the previous weeks, rumors circulated about an upcoming sequence of the Cult Bully Classic. Maybe I'm reading too much about it, but it's hard to ignore the speculation we have heard, now combined with this quote. Anyway, it will be fascinating to see what Rockstar has in its sleeve in the coming months.

Keep in mind that it would not be the first time Rockstar decides to announce a game with cryptic images at the start. Red Dead Redemption 2 has been announced in the same way, with Rockstar changing the logo on Twitter for the iconic "Red Dead Red".

What do you think of the potential announcement of a new Rockstar project? Do you expect Bully 2? Maybe you expect Grand Theft Auto 6? These sound well and everything, but I pray for Table tennis 2. Run in the comments section below, make sure to stay social by following us on Twitter, and as long as you are here, discover the last Cosplay Cogconnected feature. This week is a superb taking on Harley Quinn!
