Are the supply capsules in the fantasy tower revive?

Exploring Aida in Tower of Fantasy, you will encounter various enemies, puzzles, resources and many others. One thing that you should pay attention to is supplies capsules. These are round chests, usually with purple or gold glow. After you pick up the supply capsule, you may be interested in whether they will be stolen in Tower of Fantasy.

Will the supply capsules be revived in Tower of Fantasy?

The answer is no-the supply containers do not answer in the fantasy tower. After you declare and open the supply capsule, you will not be able to return to it and get more awards. The supply capsules provide some of the best awards for chests. As soon as you get close, the supply capsules will appear on your map, so explore and find them in each region.


On the other hand, rusty chests and chests with passwords can be revived. , which allows you to visit them several times. They are more common, but do not offer as many awards as the supply capsules, so open as many of them as possible to maximize your awards.

Some supply capsules are locked for a while or are protected by a powerful monster. This means that you will need to either return later, when the period of time is over, or defeat the monster that protects it.

To obtain additional information about Tower of Fantasy, read the section, can you have a command on different servers in Tower of Fantasy? And where to find all the picturesque viewing points in Banges in Tower of Fantasy in Pro Game Guides .
